
June 2024

Delegación Memoria y Resistencia

Únete a NISGUA del 9 al 13 de septiembre para solidarizarte con las comunidades mayas Achí y Kaqchikel de la Asociación por la Justicia y Reconciliación (AJR), sobrevivientes de Genocidio durante el Conflicto Armado [...]

Memory and Resistance Delegation

Join NISGUA from September 9-13 to build solidarity with the Achí and Kaqchikel Mayan communities of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR), survivors of Genocide during the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala, who [...]

Ixil Genocide Update. May 27th – 30th, 2024.

Monday May 27th, 2024 Dr. Elizabeth Oglesby, a United States researcher, presented her findings confirming forced displacement suffered by the Ixil people. Oglesby recounted her initial work in Guatemala during the 1980s in the [...]

Ixil Genocide Update. May 20th – 24th, 2024.

Monday May 20th, 2024. The first forensic anthropology expert Raúl Humberto Archila García, who worked at the FAFG (Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation) until 2013, was present to affirm 3 expert reports on various individual [...]

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