
July 2013

Urgent communique denouncing assassination of Santos Fidel Ajau Suret, member of La Puya encampment

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On Tuesday, July 9, Santos Fidel Ajau Suret, a member of the ongoing peaceful resistance at La Puya, was assassinated. The MadreSelva Collective released the following communique denouncing his assassination. Translation by NISGUA, in [...]

Indigenous organizations denounce proposed mining moratorium

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In a televised program broadcast from outside Tahoe Resources’ conflictive Escobal mine project, President Otto Pérez Molina announced a proposed two-year moratorium on the granting of new mineral mining licenses. A similar moratorium put [...]

Communities of Santa Rosa and Jalapa denounce criminalization of leaders opposing Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine

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Since the May 2 declaration of a state of siege in four municipalities surrounding Tahoe Resources' mine, 12 members of the Committee in Defense of Life and Peace of San Rafael had their homes [...]

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