ACTIVE: Community Consultations2018-11-26T22:34:44+00:00

Project Description

Community Consultations: A model of resistance under attack in Guatemala

A bill currently before Guatemalan Congress seeks to co-opt the consultation process and violate the rights of indigenous communities to free, prior, and informed consent. Add your voice in calling on the Guatemalan government to respect the results of community-organized consultations.

Three ways to take action:

1. Print out the postcard and mail it to NISGUA’s office for delivery
2. Read more about the incredible role that consultations play in community organizing to protect land, life, and self-determination
3. Sign the extended action! Petition available here.

Photo: Graham Hunt

Download a postcard

Additional reading about community consultations

10March, 2022


ON TRIAL FOR GENOCIDE AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY After almost forty years of the perpetuation of crimes against humanity such as genocide, Chief of Operations General Luis Enrique Mendoza García was sent to trial for genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Maya Ixil people due to sufficient [...]

10March, 2022

Ixil Genocide case – Mendoza García / Bulletin 04

Ixil Genocide Case Bulletin 04 02/10/22 DEFENSE ATTORNEY ASKS THAT THE AJR AND CALDH NOT BE CONSTITUTED AS DEFINITIVE PLAINTIFFS IN THE CASE "We oppose the acceptance of the request made by the AJR and CALDH entities to be definitively constituted as associated plaintiffs in the present process and [...]

10March, 2022

Ixil Genocide Case – Mendoza García Bulletin 03

Ixil Genocide Case Bulletin 03  -- 02/08/22 "I AUTHORIZED THE VICTORIA 82 PLAN"  On the third day of the genocide trial, Luis Enrique Mendoza Garcia, Chief of Operations of the General Staff of national defense during 1982 and 1983, admitted that he autorized the Victoria 82 Plan of Operations, [...]

10March, 2022

Ixil Genocide case – Mendoza García / Bulletin 02

PLAINTIFFS IN CASE REQUEST THAT MILITARY OFFICER ACCUSED OF GENOCIDE BE SENT TO TRIAL "As a part of these processes of justice where the democratic state and the construction of peace in this country are also being strengthened so that the new generations remember this history and can join [...]

1March, 2022

February Solidarity Update 2022

Luis Enrique Mendoza García, former high-ranking military officer, will face trial for genocide and crimes against humanity while attacks to judicial independence continue;  a call for mutual respect and transparency on the pre-consultations of the mining project in Xinca territory Flyer announcing the opening of the trial. [...]

28February, 2022

Ixil Genocide case – Mendoza García / Bulletin 01

 Bulletin 01-  2/1/22 (Written by CALDH) Intermediate Phase Against Army Chief of Operation in Ixil Genocide Case begins “As a part of the general army staff and the national defense staff, you had knowledge and willingness to destroy the civil noncombatant population of the Maya Ixil ethnic group.” The [...]

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