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Ixil Genocide Case Update. August 5-9, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024, hearing 59 The anthropologist Rodolfo Leyva was present to ratify several social anthropology expert reports in which testimonies were collected from survivors in order to identify their relatives. The expert explained that the interviews with the survivors are filed in the FAFG and are included in the reports that are delivered to the Public Prosecutor's [...]

Actualización del caso Genocidio Ixil. Del 5 al 9 de agosto

Lunes 5 de agosto 2024, audiencia 59 Se presentó el antropólogo Rodolfo Leyva, para ratificar varios peritajes en antropología social en los cuales se recabaron testimonios de los y las sobrevivientes para poder identificar a sus familiares. El perito explicó que las entrevistas con los sobrevivientes se archivan en la FAFG y  se plasman en los dictámenes que se [...]

By |September 4th, 2024|Categories: Justicia|Tags: |0 Comments

Accompanier Perspectives: A Photo Album from Guatemala

Michelle Liang (she/her) wrote this letter in July, 2024. This Friends and Chosen Family letter is a little different. I thought, sometimes my favorite way of receiving stories is sitting down with my friends and flipping (or scrolling) through a photo album and listening to their commentary on each photo. This is meant to convey that. [...]

By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Accompanier Perspectives|0 Comments

Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes: Álbum de fotos de Guatemala

Michelle Liang (ella) internacionalista 2023-2024 escribió esta carta en julio de 2024. Esta carta de Amigos y Familia Elegida es un poco diferente. Estaba pensando que, a veces, mi forma favorita de recibir historias es sentarme con mis amigos y hojear (o desplazarme) por un álbum de fotos y escuchar sus comentarios sobre cada foto. Esto pretende transmitir eso. [...]

By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes|0 Comments

Comunicados Del Intercambio de Los Comunidades de a Costa Sur, Huehuetenango, y Ixil

En abril y junio, la ADH (Asamblea Departmental por la Defensa de los Territorios de Huehuetenango) se reunió con otras organizaciones y comunidades de la Costa Sur, Huehuetenango, y Quiché para compartir sus estrategías y sabiduría sobre la defensa del territorio. Escribieron estos comunicados que incluyen información sobre el contexto de sus luchas y sus denuncias y exigencias al [...]

By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Joint Statements from the Indigenous Communities of the Southern Coast, Huehuetenango, and Ixil

In April and June, ADH (the Departmental Assembly for the Defense of Territories of Huehuetenango) met with other organizations and communities from the Southern Coast, Huehuetenango, and Quiché to exchange strategies and wisdom about the defense of territory. They wrote these statements that include context for their struggle and their accusations and demands of the Guatemalan government and extractive [...]

By |August 29th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments
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