Statement: We reject the shame compensation
(En español abajo) On October 12, the Guatemalan Congress introduced a bill to compensate Military Veterans who served during the Internal Armed Conflict. We share with you the statement from La Convergencia por los Derechos Humanos, a coalition of human rights organizations in Guatemala. They pointed out that the approval of this bill is an insult to the memory [...]
Obituario a Susanne Jonas
Susanne Jonas ha muerto. ¡Qué Viva Susanne Jonas! By Mary Jo McConahay Susanne Jonas, prolífica autora, profesora e infatigable activista de la justicia social en favor de Guatemala y de Centroamérica en general, murió mientras estaba hospitalizada por una neumonía en Oakland el 31 de agosto de 2022. Tenía 80 años. Reconocida internacionalmente, Jonas fue [...]
Susanne Jonas Obituary
Susanne Jones has died. Long Live Susanne Jonas! By Mary Jo McConahay Susanne Jonas, prolific author, teacher, and indefatigable social justice activist on behalf of Guatemala, and Central America more broadly, died while hospitalized with pneumonia in Oakland on August 31, 2022. She was 80. An internationally recognized scholar, Jonas was an invaluable source of [...]
The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH statemente: Rejection of initiative 6054
ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLES OF HUEHUETENANGO IN DEFENSE OF THE TERRITORY, FOR THE AUTONOMY AND FREE DETERMINATION OF THE PEOPLES -ADH- STATEMENT The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH, hereby declares its rejection of initiative 6054; which puts at risk even more the fragile state institutions that protect natural resources. Creating a Ministry that would have the power [...]
Compilación de noticias sobre el desalojo violento de Autoridades Ancestrales en Nebaj
Por Feliciana Herrera Los 48 cantones de Totonicapán dan «respaldo total» a autoridades indígenas de Nebaj “Las autoridades indígenas de Nebaj lograron detener legalmente el desalojo que pretendía llevar a cabo el alcalde municipal Gerónimo Bernal Guzmán,, y han sumado como apoyo a los 48 Cantones de Totonicapán, que salieron en su defensa el pasado viernes y piden que [...]
Compilation of news in the context of the violent eviction of Ancestral Authorities in Nebaj
By Feliciana Herrera The 48 cantons of Totonicapán give "full support" to the indigenous authorities of Nebaj. "The indigenous authorities of Nebaj managed to legally stop the eviction that the municipal mayor Geronimo Bernal Guzman intended to carry out, and have joined to support the 48 Cantons of Totonicapan, who came out in their defense last Friday asking that [...]