
February 2016

Sepur Zarco: Luz Méndez talks about the emblematic case for sexual slavery

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Luz Méndez, former director and current board member of the National Union of Guatemalan Women (UNAMG) spoke with NISGUA about the historic Sepur Zarco case that is currently being prosecuted in Guatemalan courts. UNAMG is [...]

Today: Justice for Women

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Español abajo.  Press Release Sepur Zarco Trial January 31, 2016 Today: Justice for Women For more than 30 years, women survivors of sexual violence, sexual slavery and domestic slavery from Sepur Zarco have waited for [...]

January 2016

Political prisoners Saúl Méndez and Rogelio Velásquez finally released!

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We celebrate the release yesterday of Saúl Méndez and Rogelio Velásquez, two community leaders wrongly convicted of homicide in a 2014 trial plagued with irregularities. Saúl and Rogelio were sentenced to 33 years in prison, [...]

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