ACTIVE: Community Consultations2018-11-26T22:34:44+00:00

Project Description

Community Consultations: A model of resistance under attack in Guatemala

A bill currently before Guatemalan Congress seeks to co-opt the consultation process and violate the rights of indigenous communities to free, prior, and informed consent. Add your voice in calling on the Guatemalan government to respect the results of community-organized consultations.

Three ways to take action:

1. Print out the postcard and mail it to NISGUA’s office for delivery
2. Read more about the incredible role that consultations play in community organizing to protect land, life, and self-determination
3. Sign the extended action! Petition available here.

Photo: Graham Hunt

Download a postcard

Additional reading about community consultations

29May, 2020

ADH denuncia la grave crisis de COVID-19 generada por el gobierno

To read in English Lea este comunicado que nuestres compañeres de La Asamblea Departamental de Pueblos de Huehuetenango (ADH) han escrito "ante la grave crisis generada por las medidas tomadas por el gobierno de Guatemala en relación a contener la pandemia del Covid-19."

27May, 2020

May 2020 Solidarity Update

Lawyers of the victims and survivors of the CREOMPAZ case at the hearing on May 18. Photo credit: Dr. Ramón Cadena May 2020 Solidarity Update We are in regular contact with our partners in Guatemala, where people are struggling to follow social-distancing measures and [...]

26May, 2020

Alert for aggressions against human rights defender Tania Palencia

[Español abajo] NISGUA denounces the attack on social activist Tania Palencia We are deeply concerned about the attack at the home of social activist Tania Palencia on May 22 . Tania is a human rights defender and has made fundamental contributions to Guatemalan social movements, and is also an [...]

17May, 2020

Military accused in the CREOMPAZ case try to get out of pre-trial detention

On May 11, the military José Antonio Vásquez García and César Augusto Cabrera Mejía, accused in the CREOMPAZ case, asked Judge Claudette Dominguez to obtain conditional freedom in the context of the COVID-19 emergency. The plaintiffs in the CREOMPAZ case published a first statement explaining why this petition should [...]

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