Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera
Ilustration by Isa Villalón, Internacionalista 2019-2021 On Saturday October 28, 2023, Xinka community leader, 69-year old Noé Gómez Barrera was murdered in the department of Jutiapa, Guatemala. Mr. Noé, much loved and respected by the community, was member of the ancestral authorities of the Xinka Parliament of Guatemala, and since 2016 fought for Xinka rights in Jutiapa against [...]
The Permanent Assembly of Indigenous People and social organizations in defense of democracy declares to the people of Guatemala:
We, the Indigenous people, through our Ancestral Authorities, gathered in a permanent Assembly, together with organizations of Indigenous peoples, civil society, peasants, women, trade unions, students, working-class neighborhoods, settlement dwellers, united market workers, youth, urban organizations, academics and citizens who accompany us. We have met, we have dialogued, and as Grandmothers and Grandfathers do, we have combined our thoughts [...]
Actualización solidaria de Octubre 🔥
En octubre queremos honrar la lucha actual de los pueblos frente al colonialismo, capitalismo, imperialismo. El legado de las resistencias actuales será la libertad de los Pueblos del mañana! Es tan poderoso ver, oír, sentir a los Pueblos gritando: “No a la corrupción, no a leyes que depredan los territorios de los pueblos, no a las leyes que buscan [...]
October Solidarity Update 🔥
This October we want to honor the current struggle of the People against colonialism, capitalism, imperialism. The legacy of today's resistances will be the freedom of the People of tomorrow! It is so powerful to see, hear, and feel the People calling out: No to corruption, no to laws that destroy the territories, no to laws that seek to [...]
Memento on the Resistance in Rescuing Democracy in Huehuetenango
United as Organized Civil Society 1- We, the Mam people, upon finding out about the crimes committed by the Guatemalan government, have organized as civil society to defend and rescue an endangered Democracy, the reason for which national strikes are being carried out. The government and its pact of corrupt actors are provoking and breaking constitutional order, threatening the [...]
Descansa en poder Don Marcial 🌻
Crédito de fotografía: Rode Díaz. 2013 “Si ya llega el momento que desaparezco de este mundo, yo no quiero que me construyan un panteón, porque la Madre Tierra me dió todo lo que yo aproveché para vivir y como no tengo otro recurso para devolver a la Madre Tierra, entonces mí cuerpo será mi pago. De [...]