
May 2016

International organizations call on KCA to suspend operations

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International Organizations Reiterate Support for Guatemalan Communities and Institutions Upholding Rule of Law and Respect for Human Rights in the case of the communities of La Puya and El Tambor Mine The undersigned human rights and [...]

Communities Rise Up: Report-back on NISGUA’s delegation to communities organized in resistance to Tahoe Resources

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In the fall of 2015, Llan Carlos Dávila from the Diocesan Committee in Defense of Nature (CODIDENA) toured the U.S. to speak about CODIDENA’s efforts to stop the development and expansion of Tahoe Resources’ Escobal [...]

April 2016

Family members of disappeared Marco Antonio Molina Theissen move forward in their search for justice

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Photo of 14-year-old Marco Antonio Molina Theissen. Photo credit: Lucrecia Molina Theissen The submission of preliminary evidence in the Molina Theissen trial was expected in Guatemala's First Instance Tribunal last week but was [...]

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