We, the Indigenous people, through our Ancestral Authorities, gathered in a permanent Assembly, together with organizations of Indigenous peoples, civil society, peasants, women, trade unions, students, working-class neighborhoods, settlement dwellers, united market workers, youth, urban organizations, academics and citizens who accompany us.
We have met, we have dialogued, and as Grandmothers and Grandfathers do, we have combined our thoughts and our words, and we have agreed to continue and strengthen the fight against corruption and impunity orchestrated by the pact of the corrupt that has entrenched itself in state institutions that promote a coup d’état led by the Public Ministry and some magistrates of the Courts of Justice.
We have agreed to defend this weak democracy that is not ours, because we know the consequences of its co-optation, of the dark and authoritarian past that has generated violence against our peoples.
We have organized out of necessity and in defense of our human rights, because the struggle for a better country belongs to everyone and the peaceful resistance throughout our territories is a means of protest by Guatemalan society that seeks to achieve a process of democratic transition as decided at the ballot box in the last electoral process.
To continue with the fight against corruption, for the defense of democracy, the rule of law, that the coup plotters led by the Attorney General of the Public Ministry Consuelo Porras, supported by prosecutors Rafael Curruchiche and Cinthia Monterroso, as well as by the Judge Fredi Orellana, who intend to break this weak democracy by violating the will of the people with their spurious actions promoting a coup d’état.
We call on the peoples and citizens in general to continue in struggle and resistance and to join all of us in a massive mobilization from north to south, from east to west, called for this Friday the 3rd and Saturday the 4th of November 2023, in the capital city.
Signatory organizations:
- Alianza Política Sector De Mujeres APSM
- Asamblea Social y Popular ASP
- Asociación Grupo Integral de Mujeres Sanjuaneras AGIMS.
- Asociación Comunitaria Para El Desarrollo SERJUS
- Asociación De Forestería Comunitaria De Guatemala Utz Che
- Asociación Femenina para el Desarrollo de Sacatepéquez AFEDES
- Asociación LaCuerda
- Asociación Maíz De Vida MDV
- Asociación Maya Uk’Ux B’E
- Bufete para Pueblos Indigenas
- Colectivo Lucha Y Resistencia CLR
- Comité De Unidad Campesina -CUC-Comunidad 29 De diciembre, Zaragoza
- Comunidades De La Media Luna, San Miguel Chicaj, Baja Verapaz
- Comunidades De Población En Resistencia CPR De La Sierra
- Coordinación Nacional De Viudas De Guatemala CONAVIGUA
- Coordinación Y Convergencia Nacional Maya Wagib* Kej
- Fundación Guillermo Toriello
- Fundación para el desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de base Fundebase
- Instancia Kamol B’E Del Pueblo Q’egchi* Y Pocomchi*
- Magisterio De San Miguel Chicaj De Baja Verapaz
- Movimiento Ciudadano Del Sur, Movimiento De Comunidades En Defensa Del Agua QANA’CH’OCH*
- Movimiento Nacional de Teiedoras
- Otra Guatemala Ya
- Red Nacional Por La Defensa De La Soberania Alimentaria En Guatemala
- Redsag
- Voces De Mujeres San Carlos Alzatate.

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