Project Description
CLOSED: Seeking photos for 2020 Calendar “Art as Resistance”
We are no longer accepting submissions for the 2020 calendar — thank you to the many community photographers who donated nearly 100 photos! To order your 2020 calendar, click here. If the calendar has not been posted yet, please contact info[at] to reserve yours today.

NISGUA’s 2019 calendar: “People Power!”
NISGUA is once again creating a calendar to showcase Guatemala’s beauty, identity, and resistance. We invite you to submit your photos by July 10th for our 2020 calendar.
The theme for 2020 is “Art as Resistance.” As always, we interpret the theme broadly, so feel free to think beyond typical or usual notions of artwork. Photos can depict paintings, posters, murals, weavings, textiles, crafts, sculpture, architecture, dance, theater, street performance, graffiti, banners, clothing, personal adornment (tattoos, jewelry), and cultural or spiritual expressions with aesthetic and political elements. In addition, calendar photos can reflect art in a broader sense of beauty or wonder within a context of resistance, such an act of creative nonviolence, a ceremony that embodies cultural resistance, a domestic still life that reveals resilience and everyday beauty, a carefully tended farm plot or garden that represents food sovereignty, and so on!
GUIDELINES for Photo Submissions for the NISGUA 2020 Calendar:
1. Deadline for submissions is July 10th.
2. You may send your photos as attachments or provide a link to your online album or photo site.
3. Send submissions and/or links to nisguacalendars1[at]
3. Only submit photos that do not pose a security risk.
4. Pictures of individual people must have that person’s permission to use the photo. (Verbal permission is sufficient.)
5. Photos of children must have the parents’ permission to use the picture. (Verbal permission is acceptable.)
6. Group photos of adults do not need each individual’s permission.
7. Landscapes, archaeological sites, and other photographs without people in them do not require permission to be used.
8. Photos submitted for past calendars will be considered for the 2020 calendar as well unless otherwise requested.
For art and resistance,
NISGUA Calendar Committee