
February 2012

January 2012

Efraín Ríos Montt to Stand Trial for Genocide

"Impunity is a perverse state that damages not only the victim, but society in general." - Judge Flores "We have to celebrate this historic event. Our struggle has become reality. It was worth it." - AJR activistLast [...]

Ríos Montt Linked to Genocide Process

Statement from CALDH and AJRThe Court has restored hope to Guatemalan society, which has waited nearly 30 years for the atrocities committed against the Mayan people to be recognized. In an historic and momentous act [...]

Ríos Montt ligado a proceso por genocidio

Comunicado de CALDH y la AJRLa Justicia le devuelve la esperanza a la sociedad guatemalteca que tuvo que esperar casi 30 años para que se conocieran las atrocidades cometidas en contra del pueblo maya. En [...]

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