Actualización Solidaria de enero
Damos la bienvenida a un nuevo año, año de continuidad en las luchas y en la resistencia de los Pueblos, en Guatemala, en Palestina y en el mundo entero. [...]
January Solidarity Update
We welcome you all to the new year, a year of continuing the struggle and resistance of the people in Guatemala, Palestine, and the whole world. The voices that [...]
Statement of the permanent Assembly of Authorities of Indigenous People in Defense of democracy
THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE OF GUATEMALA FOR THESE 105 DAYS OF RESISTANCE We have completed 105 days of dignified and historic resistance in defense of democracy, with which [...]
AJR statement: Dementia and amnesia will not erase the perpetrators’ crimes.
On January 4, the oral and public debate for the Ixil Lucas García genocide case was scheduled to begin. A day before, a hearing was held to conclude on [...]
FAMDEGUA’s statement regarding the Dos Erres recent resolution
On November 7 a court acquited 3 former kaibiles accused in the Dos Erres massacre case despite that in 3 previous trials several military officers were convicted and the [...]
Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes: Los ríos de aquí y los del norte están conectados.
Ana (elle), Internacionalista 2023, escribió esta carta el 23 de octubre de 2023 durante el Paro Nacional de Guatemala. En este momento, es el día 21 de [...]