United States co-responsible in the Military Diary case
On May 20, 1999, the Military Diary of Guatemala was published for the first time. Twenty-four years after the publication of the document: The Military Diary, families of the victims registered in it continue to demand justice. We join the thousands of voices that continue to ask #WhereAreThey? #ThinkDifferentIsNotACrime. The Military Diary is a document that made possible, on [...]
Estados Unidos corresponsable en el caso Diario Militar
El 20 de mayo de 1999, fue publicado por primera vez el Diario Militar de Guatemala. A 24 años de la publicación del documento Diario Militar familiares de víctimas que se registran ahí siguen exigiendo justicia. Nos sumamos a las miles de voces que siguen preguntando #EnDóndeEstán? #PensarDistintoNoEsDelito. El Diario Militar es un documento que permitido, por un lado, [...]
“The Ixil people do have memory. Never Again Rivers of Blood”
On May 10, 2023, the Caravan of Memory and Justice was held to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the historic genocide sentence of May 10, 2013, on which former dictator Efrain Rios Montt became the first head of state in the world to be sentenced in national courts for genocide and crimes against humanity committed by the armed [...]
“El pueblo Ixil sí tiene memoria. Nunca Más Ríos de Sangre”
El 10 de Mayo del 2023 se realizó la Caravana de la Memoria y la Justicia para conmemorar el décimo aniversario de la histórica sentencia por genocidio del 10 de mayo de 2013, fecha en la cual el ex dictador Efraín Ríos Montt se convirtió en el primer jefe de Estado en el mundo en ser condenado en tribunales [...]
On May 10, 2023, a press conference was held during the activities to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the sentence against Efraín Ríos Montt in 2013, for genocide and crimes against the duties of humanity committed against the Maya Ixil people. At the press conference, victims and survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict highlighted the historical relevance of the [...]
Memory and Justice. The legacy of Monsignor Gerardi continues in the hearts of his people
On April 26th, relatives of victims disappeared during the Internal Armed Conflict, honor the legacy of Monsignor Juan José Geradi Conedera. 25 years after his murder, his voice is still alive among the People, called to continue the struggles to vindicate memory, truth and justice in Guatemala. We invite you to know the path of solidarity that Monsignor [...]