
December 2022

November 2022

AJR statement regarding the return of the remains of people murdered in La Trinitaria during the IAC

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We share with you a statement from the AJR regarding the return of the remains of several people murdered during the Internal Armed Conflict by the Guatemalan army,  to their community of La Trinitaria, [...]

Actualización Solidaria de Octubre-Noviembre

Susanne Jonas ha muerto. ¡Qué Viva Susanne Jonas! --- Luis Argueta, cineasta guatemalteco. Susanne Jonas, prolífica autora, profesora e infatigable activista de la justicia social en favor de Guatemala [...]

October-November Solidarity Update

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In memory of activist Susanne Jonas "Susanne Jones has died. Long Live Susanne Jonas!" -- Luis Argueta, Guatemalan filmmaker Susanne Jonas, prolific author, teacher, and tireless social justice activist [...]

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