
May 2023

April 2023

CALDH statement: Serious Human Rights Violations Do Not Have Substitutive Measures

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In May 2018, the judges of the Highest Risk Court C sentenced General Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, former head of the Presidential General Staff; Manuel Callejas y Callejas, former intelligence chief; and Hugo Ramiro [...]

Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes: Otras formas de ver la vida: lecciones de liberación y resistencia a través de los territorios

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Oli (elle) ex internacionalista de NISGUA escribió esta actualización durante su tiempo como voluntarie con NISGUA. ¡Lee y disfruta! Querida comunidad, Estoy de nuevo en Guatemala por una segunda estancia como acompañante. [...]

Accompanier perspectives: Other ways to value life: lessons of liberation and resistance across territories

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Oli (they/them) former NISGUA internacionalista wrote this update during their time as a volunteer with NISGUA. Read and enjoy! Dear community, I am in Guatemala for my second stint as an accompanier. Some [...]

World Mother Earth Day Statement / Declaración del Día Mundial de la Madre Tierra

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Political statement on the occasion of World Mother Earth Day Tq’ijlal Qtxu’ Tx’otx’. The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH in defense of the land, autonomy, and free determination of the people -ADH [...]

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