We reject the suspension of the certification of the results of the first round of the general elections.
It is regrettable that political parties accused of crimes such as illicit electoral financing, money laundering, or drug trafficking attempt to disrupt the electoral process established in the Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala.
The legal remedies filed by these parties are nothing but illegal tricks that push the corresponding institutions into a legal void that jeopardizes democracy, violates the right to choose and be elected, and once again puts the legitimacy of the State at risk, as has happened with the delay in the election of Supreme Court justices and Courts of Appeals for over 3 years.
We condemn the actions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Electoral Tribunal for ruling in favor of the mafias that refuse to accept the will of the people expressed unequivocally at the ballot boxes on June 25, 2023.
These actions only demonstrate the concern of the Pact of the Corrupt of losing their control over all state institutions for their clientelistic, corrupt, and impunity purposes.
We are concerned that the sectors that have committed or financed crimes against humanity and genocide against Indigenous peoples once again seek to obstruct a democratic process in order to continue denying access to justice for the victims and survivors of war and genocide in Guatemala and to deny millions of Guatemalans access to a dignified life.
Therefore, we demand that the Courts, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and the political parties respect the will of the people, rectify their decision, and immediately resolve in favor of democracy to finally formalize the results of the first round of the general elections.
We call on the general population to defend the dignified and informed vote that has said “NEVER AGAIN” to genocidal governments.
Respect the will of the People, respect our vote
Guatemala, July 4, 2023

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