Project Description
Stand with communities demanding permanent closure of Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine
On Tuesday August 14, the Peaceful Resistance of Santa Rosa, Jalapa & Jutiapa and the Xinca People’s Parliament sent a letter to Tahoe Resources’s new CEO, James Voorhees and Executive Chair, Kevin McArthur expressing firm opposition to their Escobal silver mine and reiterating their demand for the permanent closure of the mine.
Take Action! Stand with communities in resistance by sending an email to Tahoe’s CEO and Executive Chair with the communities’ letter.
The letter was hand delivered to Tahoe’s office in Guatemala City by directly impacted community members and to their Reno, Nevada office on behalf of communities by members of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN). The company’s wholly owned subsidiary Minera San Rafael released a statement shortly after stating they, “remain open to dialogue and active listening to any concern that leaders have regarding their continued operations” in order to “build bridges” and “continue to work together in peace”. If the company is truly listening, and in order to truly seek peace, it is vitally important for the company to realize that the opportunity for dialogue ended when the mine was forced on these communities against their will and respect that its mining project is not wanted in the area.
Support the communities in sending a clear message by taking action today!