November 2023
Actualización solidaria de Octubre 🔥
En octubre queremos honrar la lucha actual de los pueblos frente al colonialismo, capitalismo, imperialismo. El legado de las resistencias actuales será la libertad de los Pueblos del mañana! Es tan poderoso ver, oír, [...]
October Solidarity Update 🔥
This October we want to honor the current struggle of the People against colonialism, capitalism, imperialism. The legacy of today's resistances will be the freedom of the People of tomorrow! It is so powerful [...]
October 2023
Memento on the Resistance in Rescuing Democracy in Huehuetenango
United as Organized Civil Society 1- We, the Mam people, upon finding out about the crimes committed by the Guatemalan government, have organized as civil society to defend and rescue an endangered Democracy, the [...]
Descansa en poder Don Marcial 🌻
Crédito de fotografía: Rode Díaz. 2013 “Si ya llega el momento que desaparezco de este mundo, yo no quiero que me construyan un panteón, porque la Madre Tierra me dió todo [...]
Clark Taylor, presente!
Crédito de fotografía: Foto cortesía del Hermanamiento de Needham con Guatemala Clark Taylor (y su difunta esposa Kay) fueron campeones e incondicionales de la Comunidad de Patrocinio de Needham (que ellos fundaron). [...]
Clark Taylor, presente!
Photo courtesy of Needham Guatemala Partnership Clark Taylor (and his late wife Kay) were champions and stalwarts of the Needham Sponsoring Community (which they founded). Clark's volunteer field work with anthropologist Beatriz [...]