Accompanier Perspectives: Being an Asian American Accompanier
Michelle Liang (she/her) internacionalista 2023-2024 wrote this letter on February, 2024. Photo by NISGUA Internacionalista. Guatemala City. January 2024 Thank you for reading! I had written this letter a while ago, but as it is time for my next letter... here it is. A quick update first: After months of strikes, the people of Guatemala have [...]
Delegación Memoria y Resistencia
Únete a NISGUA del 9 al 13 de septiembre para solidarizarte con las comunidades mayas Achí y Kaqchikel de la Asociación por la Justicia y Reconciliación (AJR), sobrevivientes de Genocidio durante el Conflicto Armado Interno en Guatemala que luchan por memoria, verdad y justicia. Este año, la AJR lidera el “Caso Genocidio Ixil” en busca de justicia por crimenes [...]
Memory and Resistance Delegation
Join NISGUA from September 9-13 to build solidarity with the Achí and Kaqchikel Mayan communities of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR), survivors of Genocide during the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala, who are fighting for memory, truth and justice. This year, AJR is leading the “Ixil Genocide Case” in search of justice for crimes committed against their [...]
Ixil Genocide Update. May 27th – 30th, 2024.
Monday May 27th, 2024 Dr. Elizabeth Oglesby, a United States researcher, presented her findings confirming forced displacement suffered by the Ixil people. Oglesby recounted her initial work in Guatemala during the 1980s in the Ixil region, which was interrupted by the murder of Myrna Mack, the head of the research team. Among the conclusions of her expertise, conducted on [...]
Ixil Genocide Update. May 20th – 24th, 2024.
Monday May 20th, 2024. The first forensic anthropology expert Raúl Humberto Archila García, who worked at the FAFG (Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation) until 2013, was present to affirm 3 expert reports on various individual and collective graves. The second expert of the day, the historian Angel Romeo Valdez Estrada, certified his report on the culture of the Ixil people, [...]