Upcoming Presidential, Congressional Elections in Guatemala

Presidential and Congressional elections will be held in Guatemala this Sunday, June 16. Find out more about the elections, Thelma Cabrera's historic candidacy, and potential effects on organizing and movements in Guatemala. Correction: We mistakenly stated that second round presidential elections would be held in September. If the presidential [...]

Plan Alianza para la Prosperidad del Triángulo Norte – Entrevista con Fernando Solis, el Observador

Mientras que los EEUU promueva el Plan Alianza para la Prosperidad del Triángulo Norte – asignando $750 millones sólo en este año fiscal – NISGUA se entrevistó a Fernando Solis, editor y analista político para El Observador, para obtener su punto de vista sobre el Plan, sus objetivos y quienes [...]

2019-12-25T01:04:08+00:00September 8th, 2016|defensa del territorio|
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