Project Description

In the middle of a road, you can see clouds in the background, there is a white blanket that says Ixcán present in the fight, we demand the resignation of Alejandro Giammattei and Consuelo Porras. Below on the left a blue sign that says Resist to Live, Resist to Advance. Next, an orange sign that says resign Giammattei! And Porras Out! on the right side a sign says the people united will never be defeated.

Our 2021 accomplishments

In our 40th year, we kept learning that community is the only way forward. NISGUA still stands strong through the storms of pandemic and fascism because our root system is forty years of comrades who believed in each other enough to imagine a better future. Our branches are the hundreds of people we connect with for advice and mutual support. And our leaves the generations to come, who will one day live in right relationship with each other and Mother Earth. It’s been a hard year. It’s been a hard four decades. And yet, as we continually learn and re-learn: the shared struggle is worth it. Every time. Always.


Image to the left, a roadblock in the Ixcán region during the National Strike. The signs read: “Ixcán present in the fight, we demand the resignation of Alejandro Giammattei and Consuelo Porras,” “Resist to Live, Resist to Advance,” “Resign Giammattei! Porras Out!,” and “The people united will never be defeated.” Photo credit: Anonymous.