Join NISGUA from September 9-13 to build solidarity with the Achí and Kaqchikel Mayan communities of the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR), survivors of Genocide during the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala, who are fighting for memory, truth and justice. This year, AJR is leading the “Ixil Genocide Case” in search of justice for crimes committed against their communities during the internal armed conflict. In 2013 and 2018, AJR was instrumental in the genocide conviction of former dictator Efrain Rios Montt. Recently they were participants in the 106-day national strike.
Each year, activists sympathetic to NISGUA visit Guatemalan communities to deepen an understanding of their reality and solidarity with their struggles. Delegations are part of a long-term strategy to expand trans-territorial political spaces and to ensure material support for the struggles in Guatemala. In this delegation we will:
- Visit AJR communities in the Rabinal and Chimaltenango regions to listen to their experiences of life, struggle, and to generate links of solidarity.
- Learn about the history of the armed conflict in Guatemala and its lessons for our struggles today.
- Reflect on the AJR’s strategies and tactics of struggle and how they can strengthen our struggles.
- Build concrete plans of internationalist solidarity to support the AJR in a material and concrete way.
The delegation cost is US$1,000, which includes internal transportation in Guatemala, lodging, food, translation, educational materials, honorariums, etc. In addition, each person is responsible for their own flights. Limited scholarships are available to ensure accessibility as much as possible. More information on the application form.
The expectation we have for each delegate is that at the conclusion of the delegation, upon return to their communities, delegates organize solidarity fundraising for the AJR. This commitment is non-negotiable, because the fundamental goal of this delegation is material support for the struggles, as well as internationalist political formation. NISGUA will offer support and advice to each delegate in through workshops and 1-on-1 meetings.
Application deadline: June 21
- Zoom Information Session – June 12 at 5:00 pm PST / 6:00 pm Guatemala (Register here)

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