ACTIVE: Community Consultations2018-11-26T22:34:44+00:00

Project Description

Community Consultations: A model of resistance under attack in Guatemala

A bill currently before Guatemalan Congress seeks to co-opt the consultation process and violate the rights of indigenous communities to free, prior, and informed consent. Add your voice in calling on the Guatemalan government to respect the results of community-organized consultations.

Three ways to take action:

1. Print out the postcard and mail it to NISGUA’s office for delivery
2. Read more about the incredible role that consultations play in community organizing to protect land, life, and self-determination
3. Sign the extended action! Petition available here.

Photo: Graham Hunt

Download a postcard

Additional reading about community consultations

25November, 2010

No Violence against Women: No violencia contra las mujeres

"They didn't kill me for being a narco.  They killed me for being a woman."Hundreds marched on November 25, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.  Centenares de personas marcharon el 25 de noviembre en el marco del Dia Internacional de la no Violencia contra [...]

18November, 2010

Cabricán: Quetzaltenango’s First Referendum / Primera consulta en Quetzaltenango

"The K'iche People's Council...Our land is our home.Good Faith Community Referendum in Santa Cruz del Quiche.""Consejo de Pueblos K'iche's... nuestra tierra es nuestra casa!Consulta Comunitaria de Buena Fe para Santa Cruz del Quiché"Delmi ArriazaThree consultas (community referendums) were organized in the Western Highlands of Guatemala in October 2010.  Since 2005, approximately 650,000 [...]

18November, 2010

Uspantan: 25,000 Demand a Different Development / 25,000 exigen un desarrollo digno

Mayan ceremony held the night before the referendum.Se lleva a cabo una ceremonia la noche antes de la consulta.  Graham HuntOn October 28, one day before the referendum, helicopters and planes flew over one of the regional centers where organizers were planning to compile results.  The mayor also published a [...]

2November, 2010

Comunidades afectadas por las represas exigen sus derechos

“Las comunidades queremos un desarrollo digno y justo,con armonía y respeto con la Madre Tierra.”[i] Representantes de comunidades afectadas por represas viajaron a la capital de Guatemala el 30 de septiembre de 2010 para presentar sus preocupaciones y demandas sobre la planificación y la inauguración de varios proyectos hidroeléctricos en [...]

2November, 2010

Dam-Affected Communities Speak Out for Free, Prior, Informed Consent

"We, the communities, want a development with dignity and justice, with harmony and respect for Mother Earth.”[i] Representatives from affected communities traveled to Guatemala City on September 30, 2010 to present their concerns and demands regarding the planned construction or inauguration of a number of large-scale hydroelectric projects throughout Guatemala.In [...]

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