Voluntary increase of royalties questioned
On January 26, 2011, following negotiations between the Guatemalan Government and the Union of Extractive Industries (GREMIEXT), a body which brings together, among others, the companies responsible for the exploitation [...]
Aumento voluntario de regalías cuestionado
El 26 de enero, 2011, tras negociaciones sostenidas entre el gobierno de Guatemala y la Gremial de Industrias Extractivas -GREMIEXT-, ente que aglutina, entre otros, a las empresas extractivas de [...]
“Our Struggle Has Become Reality”: Former Dictator Rios Montt is Charged with Genocide
Thursday, January 26, 7:00 am, hundreds of community activists and human rights defenders gather outside Guatemala City’s national court to witness former dictator Efraín Rios Montt testify on the gross [...]