November 2024
Actualización del caso Genocidio Ixil. Del 7 al 8 de noviembre del 2024: Conclusiones de los abogados de la AJR y el MP
7 de noviembre del 2024 La defensa del acusado, el General Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, buscó retrasar el juicio al solicitar que un perito del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses (INACIF) confirmara si la [...]
Ixil Genocide Case Update. 7th -8th November: Conclusions of the Public Ministry and AJR lawyers
November 7th The defense of the accused, the General Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, sought to delay the trial by soliciting an expert witness from the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (INACIF) to confirm that [...]
AJR-ODHAG Statement: We are approaching a new Genocide sentence // Comunicado AJR-ODHAG: Nos acercamos a una nueva sentencia por Genocidio
[Español a continuación] As the Maya Ixil Genocide case against ex-general Manuel Benedicto Lucas García comes to a close, the Association for Justice and Reconciliation -AJR- and The Human Rights Office of the Archbishop [...]
CALDH’s statement: There was Genocide in Guatemala // Comunicado de CALDH: En Guatemala sí hubo Genocidio
[Español abajo] Published October 31st, 2024 by CALDH (Center for Legal Action in Human Rights for its initials in Spanish) THERE WAS GENOCIDE IN GUATEMALA Two Courts of Justice have ruled that there was [...]
October 2024
October Solidarity Update // Actualización Solidaria de Octubre 2024
[Español a continuación] In the October Solidarity Update: ⚖️ As the Ixil Genocide Case against Manuel Benedicto Lucas García comes to a close, this update includes an opportunity to take action in solidarity with [...]
Toma acción: Sobrevivientes del Genocidio Maya Ixil exigen justicia ahora
Noviembre marca el cierre del caso genocidio Maya Ixil contra Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, el Jefe del Estado Mayor del Ejército Guatemalteco, entre 1981 y 1982. Les invitamos a mostrar solidaridad con integrantes de [...]