November 2023
Accompanier perspectives: The rivers here and the rivers up north are connected
Ana (they/them), Internacionalista 2023 wrote this letter on October 23rd, 2023 during the Guatemala National Strike. Right now, it is day 21 of a massive Plurinational Strike in Guatemala, led by [...]
5 Puntos para comprender ¿Por qué sigue el Paro Nacional en Guatemala?
“Caminemos de la mano de los Pueblos” Desde la última actualización que hemos compartido, se mantiene el Paro Nacional Indefinido iniciado el 2 de octubre y que mantienen varios sectores de la población guatemalteca, [...]
5 Points to understand why the National Strike continues in Guatemala
"Let us walk hand in hand with the People" Since the last update we shared, the Indefinite National Strike initiated on October 2nd, led by the Ancestral Authorities of different Indigenous peoples throughout the [...]
Exigimos justicia por el asesinato del Lider Xinka Noé Gómez Barrera
Ilustración por Isa Villalón. Internacionalista 2019-2021 El sábado 28 de octubre de 2023, el líder comunitario Xinka, Noé Gómez Barrera de 69 años fue asesinado en el departamento de Jutiapa, Guatemala. El Sr. [...]
Demand Justice for Assassination of Xinka Leader Noé Gómez Barrera
Ilustration by Isa Villalón, Internacionalista 2019-2021 On Saturday October 28, 2023, Xinka community leader, 69-year old Noé Gómez Barrera was murdered in the department of Jutiapa, Guatemala. Mr. Noé, much loved and respected [...]
The Permanent Assembly of Indigenous People and social organizations in defense of democracy declares to the people of Guatemala:
We, the Indigenous people, through our Ancestral Authorities, gathered in a permanent Assembly, together with organizations of Indigenous peoples, civil society, peasants, women, trade unions, students, working-class neighborhoods, settlement dwellers, united market workers, youth, [...]