A cuatro años de la consulta comunitaria de Ixcán, comunidades y organizaciones denuncian deterioro ambiental
Dos hombres (trasfondo, mano derecha) pescan en la confluencia de los ríos Copón (primer plano, color café) y Chixoy (fondo, color azul), en el municipio de Ixcán, Quiché. Vecinos denuncian [...]
NISGUA Spring 2011 Tour, Mining and Violence in Guatemala: Indigenous Women Resist
NISGUA's Spring 2011 tour on the East Coast featured speaker Victoria Cumes, of the Tz'ununija' Indigenous Women's Movement. Victoria spoke on mining and violence in Guatemala, emphasizing the unique [...]
Thousands protest against proposed regulation of community consultations
Graham HuntOn April 29, 2011, more than 3,000 people, primarily representatives of indigenous organizations from rural areas of Guatemala, marched through the streets of the capital city to manifest once [...]