Historica condena por masacre de Las Dos Erres
HISTORICA CONDENAPOR MASACRE DE LAS DOS ERRESEl Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos, CALDH, manifiesta su complacencia ante la reciente condena de cuatro militares responsables de la masacre [...]
Two Municipalities of Santa Rosa Say NO to Tahoe Resources and Metal Mining
A resident of Nueva Santa Rosa holds up her index finger after exercising her right to vote. Delmi Arriaza In July, almost 13,000 residents from two municipalities in the [...]
Study presented regarding costs related to closing the Marlin Mine
Steve Laudeman. According to the text of the study, Laudeman is "A geological and civil engineer with 21 years of experience in dangerous materials, management of residues, construction of highways, [...]