Alt Text: White poster hanging on the fronds of a tree. The text is written in red, black, blue, and green marker. There are the margins of two other handwritten posters that can be seen on either side. It reads: Hundreds of massacres: massacres in Rio Negro Rabinal, March 13, 1982 more than 107 children, 70 women, among them women and girls. The soldiers & patrols arrived at 6 in the morning in the village Rio violently removing people from their homes. The women were in a meeting, the soldiers said: "The meeting is up there.” -Soldiers and patrolmen took the women and children 3 kilometers away above the community. Arriving at the site on a planado, they began to kill, cutting tree branches, sticks, thorns and thorns, beating them brutally, taking out the girls in the bush to violate. Women, children cut with machetes. Pusilados zogados con lazos robados(??) children by breaking their heads on the stones, leaving the children hanging in the trees. what a barbarism of the soldiers and patrols. Who are the soldiers and patrols? We have chosen sons and daughters of peasants, indigenous people, mayas. Just because they sealed the minds of so many people, the politics of the generals, they acted in such a way that they even turned their hand against their own family. What horror, cruelty On page 92 of Monsignor Gerardi's book 4, they cut the belly of one of the women, they took the creature, the soldiers and patrols played like a ball, they took it and left hanging on a tree like they were drunk with wine.”