Sponsoring Communities
Our Sponsoring Community partnerships provide the resources, energy, and political action necessary to ensure ongoing international accompaniment in Guatemala. Their long-term commitment to human rights and solidarity is an essential component of the longevity and sustainability of GAP. Sponsoring Communities provide financial support to individual accompaniers and are key members of NISGUA’s organizer network.
When GAP accompanied the return of displaced peoples, many Sponsoring Communities developed deep relationships with sister Guatemalan communities, many of which continue to this day. Today, Sponsoring Communities provide critical funds to support individual accompaniers and program work.
Sponsoring Communities are also key organizers in NISGUA’s grassroots initiatives to amplify the voices of our Guatemala partners and connect struggles for justice between Guatemala and the U.S. Responding to accompanier alerts, they organize their members to take action in the face of violence against activists.
GAP is always looking to create new Sponsoring Communities; if you are interested in forming a Sponsoring Community, please contact gap@nisgua.org.
Current Sponsoring Communities
Contact person Connie Vanderhyden can be reached at connie.vanderhyden@gmail.com.
For more information, contact Dale Sorenson at and learn more at www.mitfamericas.org.
Chris Hansen is the primary contact person and can be reached at marcuschristian@hotmail.com.
For more information, write to Brenda Metzler at bmetzler7@verizon.net or visit www.needhamcongregational.org.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington (UUCA) became a NISGUA Sponsoring Community in 2007. Their congregation is engaged in an array of local activities, including solidarity work with a local immigrant community and community organizing through VOICE (Virginians Organized for Interfaith Community Engagement). Their commitment to social justice has deepened their work with NISGUA in recent year, resulting in a yearly ALIANZAS-specific delegation to Guatemala and ongoing organizational support to NISGUA. Through ALIANZAS, UUCA currently provides support for two accompaniers. ALIANZAS publishes information regularly in a newsletter and organizes local speaking tours with the accompaniers they sponsor.
For more information, contact the project coordinator Anne McKnight at amcknight4646@gmail.com and the NISGUA partnership Contact, Marcia Trick at marciatrick@gmail.com
Barbara Fuchsman is the contact person for SEPA. She can be reached at bafuchsman@oberlin.net.